Privacy policy

The privacy policy of the website includes how the websites and operators access and uses the information and any product or service information. A privacy policy states how your data is protected. It explains how you can remodify, use and access the information on the website.

Also, the website policy states that we are not responsible for the practices of other companies or individuals that the website does not own. You should go through the privacy policy actively.

Automatic collection of information

Web servers automatically store the information when you visit the website. The information stored in the server may include system type, IP address, browser type and its version, operating system and its version, website or webpages you have visited previously before visiting this website, the language you choose, the time you spent, and the advertisement you click through and many more statistics.

Collection of personal information

You can visit the website without revealing your identity or any other personal information on the website from which you can get recognized by revealing your identification to others or the website. But sometimes when you want to visit and use some features of the website, you need to provide some basic personal information like name, phone no. and email address.

While providing this information you can choose not to reveal your personal information but it can affect your experience on the website as you won’t be able to use some features of the website. For a seamless experience on the website, you need to provide the mandatory details at least.

Managing personal information 

On the website, you can manage the information you provide like personal details, history, information of website visited, time spent, and other statistics. you can access, change, update and delete the personal information you provide. However, the website maintains the record and stores all the information on the server. Even if you update or delete the data from the website the information stored in the server remains as it is in the website server for some time for necessary purposes in the private records for legal obligations and to retain authenticity.

If it becomes a longer period leading to the expiry of the rendition period the information shall be deleted permanently from the website. The website may use your details personal your size website experience suggest content and other things but it won’t use your personal information to recognize you personally. Also once the rendition period ends, you don’t have any right to access the information, or the right to update or delete the information from the website.

Use and processing of collected information 

The information collected from you on the website is used for the improvement of the website and for creating a better experience for you on the website. The information we collect is used to process information for the user to improve the quality of content. It helps us to improve the statistical information like passwords, usernames, send personalized emails, notifications, and reminders. Website process this information to set reminders, passwords, and messages.

However, the website doesn’t use your information like name, address, phone no. to reveal your identity to anyone. We may process this information after taking your consent to the terms or other conditions to process. Sometimes you may need to provide this information for the legal obligation to process on the website. Although the website is not applicable for any of the information taken by the third party on the website by any other means.

All the tasks on the website are carried out for the public interest and not on a personal basis. This information of yours is mandatory sometimes for processing and clarifying legal accusations. This information can be statutory or contractual.

Information Transfer and storage

Information transfer and storage may depend on your location, access, or public-related laws. You can share your information with nearby locations or countries that involve public international law. However, you are eligible to know the access and transfer of information by the organizations or any other government international organizations that follow public interest or international law.

The website also follows security measures to safeguard the information on the website. If you want to check or know the data transfer and uses you can check the relevant sections and can also inquire at the contact us section on the website.

The Rights of users 

The users are eligible to have the rights according to the submission of information and data process on the website. To be specific a user has the following rights: 

  • You can withdraw your consent anytime irrespective of the previous consent you provided on the website
  • You have the right to access, delete, and update information anytime according to your comfort.
  • You have the right to verify and check the information at any time you want and are eligible to ask for a copy.
  • You have the right to know how your information is being used and processed by the website or other organization.
  • You are eligible to use your rights and companies are abiding to provide you with the information u are asking for by any means based on the consent, terms, or conditions, and by the law of public interests.

The Right to object to processing

You have the right to object to the things that you feel are offending you. If a website or any organization is using your information for any other means and personal interest you can object to the process and ask for the related justification.

You can object to the processing like sharing your data with third-party users or organizations and for direct marketing purposes you can object it to them anytime without any justification.

How to exercise these rights

You can perform the user rights from the contact details provided on the website which will direct you to the owner or the team that handles the legal works. This exercise of rights is free of charge and should be performed by the owner or the team as early as possible.

Privacy of children

The website provides doesn’t require any of the children. We are concerned about the children’s safety and measures which do not include any interest of children.

However, If any children come into Interaction with the website we encourage parents to consent to the online activities or tasks performed by the children. We believe in making a safe and better online presence for children as well as for adults.


We provide electronic newsletters that are completely voluntary if you subscribe to them. It’s up to you if you want to receive the emails and newsletter which may be marketing or promotional basis.

However, you can stop receiving this by unsubscribing by following the instruction to unsubscribe or by contacting us. Though you will receive transaction important emails.


To personalize your experience on the website this website uses “cookies”. A cookie is a text file that contains data. This data is sent to the web server from the browser in the form of cookies. We use cookies to track and collect the data for the statistical and maintenance purpose of the website.

Cookies do not contain any of your personal information and we do not access any personal information that revel your identity. However, some information is important to use the website. You can accept and reject the cookies by modifying the settings in your browser. 

Do Not Track Signals

We do not track your online activity on the website. Some websites track your online activity and the information about you visiting the websites. Colling and storing your personal information or any other data is not similar to tracking.

Tracking signal means keeping a check on visitors who visit the website and the other website you visit. Although we don track the activity some third-party websites may track your activity for content, marketing, or any other purpose. They can use this data of activity for marketing and advertising. 


We may share your information with our affiliates for content and personalization of ads on the website. So they can offer you related products and services according to your activities. We do not breach any privacy policy and process this after getting your consent to the privacy policies.

Links to other websites

All the links provided on the website of other websites are not owned and controlled by us. We are not responsible for any other third-party website that collects your data. We advise you to be aware of the websites that collect personal information and read the privacy policies accordingly on every website. 

Information Security

We protect your information on our website. We do not reveal, use or access your information for any unauthorized access. We believe in maintaining and sustaining a safe, secure, and protected environment. We safeguard your information with our technical, physical, and administrative skills.

However, some things are beyond our control and we cannot handle the activities that are not related to our website.

We secure and protect your information on our website but there are security and privacy limitations due to which we cannot guarantee the information exchange between you and the website. If any such tampered data is found with a third party or any other means mandatory action should be taken.

Data Breach

We solely focus on the security of your information on our website and take necessary precautions to protect it. We do not disclose it to any other parties that are not authorized, secure, or fraudulent. We don’t intend to happen any data breach on our website but if it happens we are entitled to take necessary measures related to the activities. We inform you through notifications, and emails with the necessary law. 

Changes and amendments

To improve the quality we may update our privacy policies from time to time and notify you of the changes through emails and notifications. Also, we will share the change on our website. You can check on the updates we make at the bottom of the website. We will inform you about the changes but we don’t use your personal information and data without your consent.

Acceptance of this policy

You accept that you have read all the policies and terms and conditions thoroughly and agree with them. If you are using and accessing the website that means you agree to give consent to the policy. However, if you do not agree to the terms and conditions you are restricted to use the website and services.

Contacting us 

We have stated all the policies, terms, and conditions clearly. If you want to know or understand this policy you can contact us. If you wish to know anything related to the website and information you can contact us through email.

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