Editorial Policy

This website is a way to create and bring new information about the recent entertainment things happening in the industry recently. our website informs you about the current scenarios happening in the entertainment industry and Hollywood.

We are focused to bring Hollywood-related updates, news, and gossip to spice up your daily life. for any queries related to the website and its contents, you can contact us through email :


the mission of https://hollywoodaware.com/ is to keep you updated with the latest news about Hollywood and provide you with a source of entertainment through the website.


https://hollywoodaware.com/ offers the audience a wide range of entertainment content about different stars, shows, series, and movies in the form of articles, content, blogs, videos, and special reports. we also include information supplied by readers. 

We generate revenue through advertisements, banners, storefronts, and marketing. The objective of the website is to provide relevant and specific information news to the readers on the website. The content on our website is generated by the content team and the readers. 

our editor team is solely focused on providing true and correct information from the generated sources.

We welcome and value any reader feedback and criticism. 

https://hollywoodaware.com/ motivates the audience of our website to contribute in any way that is possible. we welcome your suggestion and advice thoroughly. we recognize that everyone needs to improve and change things regularly with the authentication. we do not intend to provide any false information on our website.

The feedback of the users motivates us to bring more such content to diverse areas. our team strives to provide standard quality content but as mistakes can happen eventually we believe in correcting them and if that happens we intend to correct it and publish an official copy of the correction with the credits. you can report factual errors and copywrites to the official email of the website 

Editorial liability

the editor of the website ensures the quality of the content and maintains a standard view. participation from different governing bodies, organizations, consultants, readers, universities, leaders, and experts in different fields is encouraged and accepted after a thorough investigation. for any controversial topic that happened to be misunderstood or for any other reason, then the website https://hollywoodaware.com/ is responsible to take action and responsibility according to the public law. any further actions will be taken after appropriate justification. 

Content Partners

https://hollywoodaware.com/ doesn’t pay anything for generating traffic or views on the website. the team works to make an effective website and database for Hollywood enthusiasts and entertainment readers.

The partnership with content writers works both ways. the website shares the benefit with parties that generate traffic and provide visibility to the website.

Content submissions

The bloggers, writers, content creators, and agencies regularly request to submit their content for publication on the website.

However, the website cannot guarantee the publication of all the content we receive. But we are happy to collect all the requests and content we get and our editorial team will be pleased to publish potential Content on the website.


latest news and stories are added to the website daily. we must provide the standard comprehensive content on the website daily. the contents of the website change and update from time to time and the website maintains the quality regularly.

Website is focused on being updated on the latest news and activities happening in the industry.  contact us if you want to suggest any news or stories and want to publish any content on the website you can contact us via email